Doris Barry has announced her resignation from the USCF Executive Board, effective January 1. Following shortly after the announcement that Helen Warren had resigned effective the same day, the Barry resignation removes the last member of the alliance of Redman, Pechac, Warren and Barry, which controlled USCF by a 4-3 margin between August 2000 and August 2001.
Following is Barry's email letter to the Board announcing her resignation.
December 24, 2001
Fellow Board Members,
This is notification of my resignation from the Executive Board effective January 1,2002.
I have decided to resign at this particular time for the following reasons, which include violations of the Bylaws and Ethical Standards of Conduct.
The president has unilaterally eliminated the preparation of minutes and transcripts of conference calls (four have been held to date).
The elected secretary has failed to fulfill the responsibilities of his office.
The transcript of the August 13th and 14th Board meeting was withheld from the Board as well as the tapes of three of the conference calls.
The minutes published in the EBN for August 13 & 14th were not approved by the Board.The Board majority is unable to address and has not recognized its responsibility to formulate a business plan to address expeditiously the critical financial problems that jeopardize the very existence of the USCF.
The president has demonstrated a lack of action and resolve in negotiating an agreement to outsource the B&E business. Special interest groups influence him; they advocate allocating scarce funds to the failing B&E business without consideration of an accounts payable in excess of $600,000 and the complete erosion of the USCF’s credit standing.
The Board majority fails to recognize the immediate urgency to upgrade the computer system and has formulated no plan to implement the recommendations of the Internet Committee.
The president conducts Board business by caucus with the majority of five Board members.
My continued presence on this Board would add credibility to
these actions or lack of actions. It is impossible to continue in the present
environment when special interest groups place their agenda and their political
affiliations/financial interests above the best interests of the USCF. Two
individuals, officers on a prior Board, who were responsible for incurring the
major portion of the current debt and the failure to upgrade the office computer
system, now influence the decisions and policies of this Board.
Doris Barry